Coaching Tools

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The Best Possible Self

The Best Possible Self (BPS) exercise can be used to change the mindset and increase optimism. The BPS exercise requires people to envision themselves in an imaginary future in which everything has turned out in the most optimal way.

Asking For Feedback: Keep, Stop, Start

Constructive feedback is essential for personal and professional development. Indeed, receiving feedback helps people understand their strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and provide opportunities to take action and adapt

Nine Lives

This exercise will help clients create a list of nine different jobs they would choose if those barriers were removed. They can reflect upon their choices and look for common themes that indicate an interest or predisposition for a particular career.

Befriending Your Inner Critic

This tool was created by Lisa Sansom based on materials created by Marilee Adams. Lisa participated in a 5-day training workshop with Marilee to further understand her research and concepts.

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