Leadership, Executive & Career Coaching

Individual Coaching

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
- Carl Jung

The icon of a tree

Coaching is a uniquely powerful form of learning because it is maieutic, utilizing guided questioning to draw out knowledge and insights already present within you. This fosters a deep sense of self-discovery and ownership over your learning journey, leading to profound personal growth and lasting change.

A graph showing the main points of the coaching process

We offer three distinct types of one-to-one coaching: Leadership, Career and Organisational Coaching.  

Leadership Coaching:  It is about navigating complexity, inspiring your team, and creating a legacy. We'll help you develop the skills and strategies needed to lead with confidence and make a lasting impact.
Career Coaching:  We will uncover your passions, clarify your goals, and create a career path that truly fulfills you. We'll guide you through transitions, empower you to make informed decisions, and help you reach build confidence and resilience.
Organisational Coaching:
This is about help you thrive in your workplace by understanding its unique culture, building stronger relationships, and mastering the skills needed to excel. We'll help you navigate challenges, enhance your impact, and achieve your professional goal.

Psychometric assessments: tools for insight and growth

We harness a variety of psychometric and 360 assessments to deepen the coaching journey. These tools go beyond simple evaluations; they serve as reflections of your professional persona, allowing us to craft strategies that align with your unique leadership style and aspirations. Through these comprehensive assessments, we gain a holistic view of your strengths and areas for development, ensuring our approach is perfectly tailored to support your growth.

Hogan assessment

Provides insights into personality, understand strengths, and identify potential areas for development.

Korn ferry ESCI

Renowned for evaluating emotional and social competencies, crucial for effective leadership.


Measures emotional intelligence, a predictor of success in leadership roles.

Lumina Spark

Reveals your personality's dynamic, offering a comprehensive understanding of your behaviour and work style.

Belbin Team Roles

Specializes in assessing team roles and dynamics, identifying how individuals can best contribute to team success and cohesion.

Leadership Coaching

Leadership is a lifelong journey of growth and self-discovery. Our tailored coaching programmes empower executives and senior leaders to navigate the complexities of their roles, refine their vision, and leave a lasting legacy.
We go beyond traditional coaching by integrating powerful tools like psychometric assessments and 360-degree feedback. These provide deep insights into your leadership style, strengths, and areas for development, allowing us to create a bespoke development plan that accelerates your growth.

key competences we work on

Shaping corporate and team strategy

Managing up, down or horizontally

Mastering the art of storytelling for impactful communication

Building confidence in new roles and executive presence

Lead the "people side" of change 

Influence others without formal power 

Navigate organizational politics 

Improve cross-functional collaboration 

Fostering team engagement and loyalty

Executive and CEO-Specific Services

Organisational Coaching: Thrive in Your Workplace

Navigating the complexities of organisational life can be daunting. Whether you're a new hire adjusting to a different culture, a manager seeking to improve your team's dynamics, or an experienced professional looking to enhance your impact, our organisational coaching programme is here to support you and to help:

Understand and navigate your organisation's culture: Learn to effectively communicate, collaborate, and build relationships within your specific context.-Enhance your self-awareness: Gain a deeper understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, and how you impact others in the workplace.
Develop essential skills:  Improve your communication, conflict resolution, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities.
Build resilience:
 Learn to manage stress, navigate change, and overcome challenges with confidence and grace.
Achieve your professional goals:
 Create a clear vision for your career and develop a strategic plan for achieving success within your organisation.

Career Coaching: Navigate Your Professional Journey with Confidence

Our career coaching programme is designed to empower you to navigate career changes with clarity, confidence, and purpose. Whether you're seeking a new career path, aiming for a promotion, or simply wanting to feel more fulfilled in your current role, our experienced coaches are here to guide you.
We'll work together to:

Clarify your career goals and aspirations:
 Uncover what truly motivates you and define a fulfilling career path.
Identify your unique strengths and transferable skills:
 Recognize your valuable assets and how to leverage them in different contexts.
Develop a strategic career plan:
 Create a roadmap that outlines your goals, actionable steps, and potential challenges to overcome.
Build confidence and resilience:
 Develop the skills and mindset needed to embrace change, overcome setbacks, and pursue your goals with unwavering determination.
Master job search strategies:
 Learn how to effectively network, create a standout CV, and ace interviews.

Career Coaching in UK

How the coaching process works

Your coaching journey begins with a complimentary session, where we can connect, understand your needs, and see if we're the right fit for you.  From there, we'll create space for your to reflect on where you are right now, and where would you like to be in the future.
Then, we'll meet regularly for one-on-one coaching sessions (in person or online), using proven techniques and drawing on the latest research to guide your growth. You'll also have access to carefully curated, evidence-based resources and tools to further your learning and reflection.
Between sessions, your coach will be available for support and guidance via WhatsApp or email, ensuring you have the support you need every step of the way.
And our commitment to your development doesn't end with the formal sessions. We'll continue to provide resources and support, helping you embed your learnings and sustain your growth long after the programme concludes.

Coaching Packages

We offer three distinct coaching packages, each designed to meet your unique needs and budget;

Foundation Package:
Ideal for those seeking an initial taste of coaching or focused support on a specific challenge.
6 bi-monthly coaching sessions (60 minutes each). Personalised development plan. Use of psychometric assessments (e.g. strengths finder or personality types).
Investment: £1,000 + VAT

Growth Package:
Perfect for those seeking deeper exploration and accelerated development in a specific area, such as leadership, career transition, or organisational effectiveness.
12 bi-monthly coaching sessions (60 minutes each). Personalised development plan with regular reviews. 360-degree feedback assessment and other psychometric assessments (if applicable). Option for tripartite meetings with stakeholders (if applicable).
Investment: £2,500 + VAT

Executive Package:
Designed for senior leaders and executives seeking to maximise their impact and influence within their organisations.
18 bi-monthly coaching sessions (60 minutes each). In-depth leadership assessment and personalised development plan. Executive presence and communication skills development. Strategic career planning and guidance.

leadership and executive coaching

Ripple down effect

Lake side chillinby Sabri Tuzcu

Our coaching not only transforms leaders but also creates a 'Ripple Down Effect' throughout the organization.

Improved leadership skills lead to enhanced team dynamics, fostering a culture of innovation and inclusivity. This positive change cascades down, boosting morale, productivity, and resilience across all levels of the organization and beyond.

get in touch

A commitment to lasting impact

After our coaching ends, we'd like to stay in touch and check in after a few months to see how you are getting on with your "new you". We hope you will consider us as your partners long after our sessions come to an end.

let's connect