Rediscover the Joy of Transformative Learning.

The Growing Seed- your change begins here.

In today's fast-paced world, we often neglect the power of pausing to reflect. When we intentionally slow down and assess where we truly are, profound learning and growth become possible. That's where we come in.

To ignite that transformative learning, we believe coaching is the most potent catalyst. It's a personalised, interactive experience that goes beyond theory, delving into your unique challenges and goals to guide you or your team towards breakthroughs and lasting change.

What sets us apart is our rare blend of experience: we're seasoned coaches and academics who teach MBA and executive education at leading business schools.  This means we not only understand the science of adult learning, but also have the practical skills to help you transform knowledge into meaningful action and positive change.

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our Commitment to your success

We're your partners in development, not just providers. We offer honest feedback, respect confidentiality, and hold ourselves accountable for your results. Learning doesn't stop when the program ends—consider us your ongoing resource for support and guidance as you continue to grow.



Satisfaction on average on a total of more than 100 clients.



Of clients experienced positive change.



Of clients would recommend this service to colleagues.



Average ROI of the coaching intervention.

our unique advantages


We don't just teach concepts; we equip you with the tools and skills to implement them effectively in your own context.

thinking partner


Our coaching and training experiences are designed to spark profound shifts in your thinking, habits, and ultimately, your results.

emotional intelligence


You benefit from the latest research, proven strategies, and deep insights into human behavior and organizational dynamics.



Our coaching and workshops can be delivered online,providing the convenience and accessibility to learn from anywhere in the world.

Total flexibility
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As a new Chief Executive I have really enjoyed directing the business, developing strategies and managing risks. However I have been less comfortable in being the person in the spotlight. This is a reflection of my introverted nature and discomfort in making connections. Your coaching sessions helped me to look beyond my sense of duty and obligations and gave me a new enthusiasm and purpose for engaging people. The focus on my values and why I want to build relationships has provided me with more confidence and a renewed commitment which I am sure will benefit both me personally and the organisation I am leading. Thanks you for your patience and guidance during our programme.

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Lorenzo is super smart and has an amazing capacity to drive you back to the session's objective (...) Under his guidance, I could understand key behavioural paths which I repeat and which are the ones that most affect my way of working or facing difficulties (...) with Lorenzo, I had always the impression he understood immediately where I was and where I had to go, and he could bring me there by just being at my side and make me feel I was leading the way. I truly recommend Lorenzo as a coach for Personal Wellness and Growth but also for Work-personal balance.

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Lorenzo and I embarked on a weekly coaching journey together as part of my integration into JLR as the newly created Global Managing Director for Range Rover. Moving into a newly created role and onboarding into a new company at the same time was extremely challenging. Lorenzo helped me to work through understanding my priorities (both personal and professional) and to identify my needs in order to be able to perform at my best. Lorenzo is empathic, personable, a great listener and really builds trust so that you can explore areas that would otherwise stay below the surface. The coaching was very beneficial and helped my integration and onboarding to be more effective – having a “safe” space to explore what was important to me.

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I spent six months with Lorenzo on a coaching programme and it was a truly inspiring experience. From day one we clicked and it was his natural approach to get to know me better, my surroundings and my aspirations. His engagement with me was intellectual, real and though provoking. I found Lorenzo to be extremely knowledgeable , personable , professional and he challenged me many times on my thinking , approach and areas where I could potentially look at things differently. He was creative yet practical. He was demanding but fair. I really appreciated Lorenzo going that extra mile to understand , empathize and jointly explore my development. I would highly recommend Lorenzo for any future collaboration and thank him for his support.

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I have had the pleasure of having Lorenzo as an executive coach. He supported me during the second half of my first year in the new company, in a critical moment of getting aligned with organization priorities. His balanced approach between asking, listening and focusing brought me to efficiently rebalance my personal attitude and understanding of professional relationships within the new group, particularly with leadership and peers. Based on my experience and proficient interaction, I cannot imagine having a better coaching relationship.

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Lorenzo is a thoughtful and perceptive coach and his coaching style is positive, energetic and enthusiastic. Lorenzo helped me to identify what my core strengths and personal competitive advantage are, enabling me to generate new ideas for how i might achieve my full professional potential. I have no hesitation in recommending Lorenzo's executive and developmental coaching services to anyone looking to step up to their next big career challenge.

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Lorenzo is a fantastic coach who is curious, warm, insightful and emphatic. I found his coaching style refreshing and was able to explore some deep transformational thinking in the safe coaching space that he created.

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I feel extremely privileged to have been coached by Lorenzo (...) I found Lorenzo’s approach to be warm, genuine, perceptive and really positive. I can say that I enjoyed all of the sessions even if they did challenge me sometimes! I have learnt lots about myself and it has helped me to gain perspective, an idea of what I am doing, where I am heading and has helped me with my confidence. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, I cannot recommend Lorenzo enough.

Take our free assessment to define your areas of growth, setting the stage for a personalized coaching experience. No registration required.

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100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Our focus is on delivering transformative experiences and meaningful breakthroughs. If you're not satisfied with the results of our coaching, we promise a full refund.
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